Yachiyo’s Environmental Policy strives to help preserve our global environment
Yachiyo has promoted pro-environmental activities through the following basic environmental policy and conduct guidelines. In addition, individual policies and activities are carried out at each place of business.
Environmental Policy
As a responsible member of society, we actively attempt to preserve and improve the global environment through all of our corporate activities towards the realization of a sustainable society.
Guidelines for Action
We aim to reduce environmental burden/load and prevent environmental pollution by being more conscious about the global environment and continuously improving our environmental challenges of our business activities, products, and service.
We aim to cut back on energy and resource consumption as well as resources recycling through all of our corporate activities.
We aim to reduce and properly dispose wastes and pollutants which are generated at each stage of our business activities.
We aim to become a company that is valued by society through active involvement in improving activities of global environment.